I thought ,a perfect relationship is effortless. that if you are in love, you should not have to work to stay that way. The truth is that the perfect relationship takes 'effort'. The effort required is to understand the man you pledge to love. I have to understand that even though men are easy to deal with (when you understand what makes them tick), as individuals they are complicated. They are not just one thing. They are not just strong, or powerful, or supportive. They can also be tender, needy, and emotional. Allowing a man to be his full self with you is one way that you can improve your relationship.
If you are looking to change your relationship...
You have to be willing to make some changes yourself. It is neither productive nor wise to expect to change him to improve your relationship. The only thing you can absolutely control is your own attitude, outlook, and behavior. If you really want him to change, it will be in response to changes you make with yourself.
-Based on an article
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